This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other British Chamber of Commerce Myanmar events.

Members Open Forum

The British Chamber would like to invite Members to an open forum event. The purpose of this event is to find out from Members what their most pressing issues are and what assistance they would like to seek from the Chamber.

The Chamber's Chairman and CEO will give a brief overview of the Chamber's present situation and then open the floor to discussion. We will also be joined by a number of board members and after initial discussions Members will be sent to smaller break out rooms where they will have the opportunity to list their concerns to a dedicated board member.

This event will be very interactive and Members are encouraged to come with thoughts, concerns and opinions.

We will be limiting numbers for this event to ensure discussions are manageable however we will repeat this event regularly so if you cannot join this time we will add you to the next one in the coming weeks.

Date: Tuesday 16th March, 2021

Time: 15.30 - 16.30

Venue: Online Meeting

Cost to Members: FOC (Members Only Event)

Access and Cancellation

You will be sent the link to attend 24 hours in advance, then again one hour before. If you are no longer able to attend please cancel your place 24 hours in advance via email to

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