The World Bank Myanmar Economic Monitor Update 2023
On Wednesday, July 5th, Joint Foreign Chambers in Myanmar and the World Bank Myanmar are organising a collaborative event on the World Bank's latest update for Myanmar's economy: a Briefing on the Myanmar Economic Monitor of June 2023.
The briefing will see expert speakers from the World Bank Myanmar team lead a presentation on the latest Monitor's survey data findings, sharing insight on the broader economic perspective and economic projections for Myanmar.
The session is conducted under Chatham House Rule, off-the-record, and is open for members of the participating Chambers only; AmCham Myanmar, British Chamber of Commerce Myanmar, CCI France, EuroCham Myanmar and German Myanmar Business Chamber. Please register directly with the Foreign Chamber, which you are a member of.
Date: Wednesday 5th July, 2023
Time: 15.00 until 16.30 Myanmar Time
Venue: This event will be run as a Zoom Webinar
Access: A webinar link will be sent to you in advance.
Members Only Event: FOC - Please register with your respective Chamber.
Cancellation Policy
If you are no longer able to attend, please cancel your place at least 3 days in advance.