Microfinance and Fintech in Myanmar amid Covid-19
The microfinance sector is a key pillar in furthering financial inclusion in Myanmar and the sector has experienced rapid growth since 2012/13, with now 193 licensed microfinance institutions (MFIs) serving around 15 million individuals across the country.
Fintech has been a catalyst to this growth, with the high mobile phone penetration rates providing a foundation for the provision of digital financial services, which the UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) expect at least one quarter of the population to be actively using by 2023.
In spite of the growth potential of the sector, it has been particularly hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. While response plans have been implemented (namely the suspension of loan repayments) ongoing operating costs, withdrawals and financing obligations are posing a pressing cash liquidity crisis, not to mention the impacts that lending disruptions will have food security in 2020 and beyond.
Bearing this in mind, Julia Charlton will be discussing the growth of the microfinance sector in Myanmar, the impact and challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic and the response of MFIs and the Myanmar Government. Julia will also look forward and consider the outlook and recommendations in view of threats to food security and the economy overall.
Date: Thursday 18th June, 2020
Time: 15.30 until 16.30
Venue: This event will be run as a Webinar
Access: You will be sent the link to attend 24 hours in advance
Cost to Members: FOC
Cost to Non-members: $5
Cancellation Policy
If you are no longer able to attend, please cancel your place at least 48 hours in advance. All no-shows will be charged the entry fee.
Jun 18, 2020
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM GMT +06:30