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Financial Education Series 5 : Risk Management in Financial Services

The series is a comprehensive global introduction to the major risk areas in financial services and it is accredited by the CISI.

Risk management should be the responsibility of everyone, not just risk managers. The tone from top is very important in what risk culture permeates an organisation. This course provides a sound grounding in the principles of the risk management framework, corporate governance and risk oversight.

The course covers all key risks in financial services – operational, credit, market, investment and liquidity. It also covers specific techniques used in identifying, reducing and managing operational risk, credit risk, market risk, investment risk, liquidity risk and model risk.

Upon completion of this course, the attendees can take the CISI's official exam at an additional cost.

Who should attend the course?

Risk teams, compliance teams, regulatory bodies, branch management, corporate lawyers, finance managers, financial analysts, portfolio managers, accounting and audit firms, senior managers of all disciplines and existing and aspiring non-executive directors

Course Outline

  1. Principles of Risk Management
  2. International Risk Regulation
  3. Operational Risk
  4. Credit Risk
  5. Market Risk
  6. Investment Risk
  7. Liquidity Risk
  8. Model Risk
  9. Risk Oversight and Corporate Governance
  10. Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

The course will be run in English Language unless all attendees are Myanmar speaking, in which case it can be delivered in a combination of English and Myanmar. The total course duration is 28 hours and will be delivered over 14 weeks, on the below dates. At the end of the course you will be awarded with a certificate of achievement from IBIM which you are able to present to future employees showing your continuing professional development.


Sunday 7th August

Sunday 14th August

Sunday 21st August

Sunday 28th August

Sunday 4th September

Sunday 11th September

Sunday 18th Septmeber

Sunday 25th September

Sunday 2nd October

Sunday 16th October

Sunday 23rd October

Sunday 30th October

Sunday 13th November

Sunday 20th November

Time: 14.00 - 16.00

Venue: Online Training

Cost to Members: 367,500 MMK including commercial tax

Cost to Non-members: 472,500 MMK including commercial tax

Access and Cancellation:

You will be sent the link to attend 24 hours in advance, then again one hour before. You must pay for your ticket in advance, or you will not be sent the access link.

If you are no longer able to attend please cancel your place a minimum of one week in advance via email to All no shows will still be charged the entry fee. Places which have not been cancelled will not be refunded.

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