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Terms & Conditions for Retail / Wholesale Trading

Since 2013, Luther's team of more than 45 Myanmar and international lawyers, accountants and tax advisors has been advising local and international clients on all relevant legal, regulatory, compliance and tax aspects. Having established foreign-owned trading companies both within and outside of the Thilawa Special Economic Zone, Luther will give an update on the Ministry of Commerce's new Terms & Conditions for Retail / Wholesale Trading (Notification 25/2018 dated 9 May 2018). The new notification contains terms and conditions for Myanmar owned companies, 100% foreign-owned companies as well as joint ventures between Myanmar citizens and foreigners intending to carry out retail or wholesale trading activities in Myanmar.

The presentation will provide an overview of the following topics:

- Trading restrictions since 2001 and commonly used corporate structures

- Liberalization process since 2015 within and outside of Thilawa

- New Terms & Conditions for Retail / Wholesale Trading (Notification 25/2018)

- Necessary steps to apply for a license and commence trading activities

- Pending issues, questions and anticipated implementation challenges

Please note that due to the likely popularity of this event, members are limited to 2 registrations per company.

Jun 20, 2018

8:00 AM - 10:00 AM GMT +06:30

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Sule Shangri-La Hotel
223, Sule Pagoda Road, Yangon
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Entry Fee

Free (max. 2 reps per company)
