With a rapidly growing telecommunications infrastructure and the resulting improved connectivity, Myanmar is in the midst of a large scale, digitalization process. The government has instigated its E-Government program, banks are jumping from pen and paper book-keeping to the use of fin-tech services to name just a few examples. While the new-found connectivity and digitalization brings many improvements and opportunities with it, it is also opens the doors to an entirely new threat – cyber-crime.
Join us for an evening of briefing, which will open your eyes to the fascinating world of cyber security. Learn from some of the best experts in the field about the concept of cyber security, the latest threats and trends, how to increase awareness among your staff and what it means to protect your organization. And don’t worry – you don’t have to be an IT expert to join!
Cost: USD 15 or 20,000 Kyats per AMCHAM, GMBC, CCI France, EuroCham, AustCham, BritCham or MIBA member; USD 25 or 34,000 Kyats per non-member
** This event is organized by AMCHAM, GMBC, CCI France, EuroCham, AustCham, BritCham and MIBA.
** GMBC, CCI France, EuroCham, AustCham and MIBA are required to register as non-members, but will be charged at member rates only.