BritCham Operational Excellence: New Rules and Regulation in Banking
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They say that when a butterfly flaps its wings, it has the potential to create a hurricane elsewhere. Known as the butterfly effect, this idea theorises how a small change can have large effects elsewhere. Starting July 2017 the Central Bank of Myanmar has requested, with an immediate adoption, 20% liquidity ratio requirement for all banks operating in Myanmar. The G20 expects full adoption of all key measures for capital and liquidity requirements compliant with Basel standards in less than 18 months.
This workshop will discuss developments in the Banking sector in Myanmar and Asia, also covering the following key issues:
• Can individual banks access the capital market to raise capital? • With the increased demand for credit, will Basel requirements increase cost of credit? • What is the cost of meeting higher capital requirements for banks? • On what aspects of risk management should the banks focus? • How to strengthen risk management capacities to generate adequate and qualitative data?
Please note that you must register under the email address that you register with for the EventBank.