This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other British Chamber of Commerce Myanmar events.

Present Persuasive Project Proposals

Learn the communication skills to get proposals approved

Successful business people are able to use their communication skills to persuade others to accept, support and buy-into their their plans and projects by presenting ideas from a strategic perspective, highlighting the advantages of their plan. They win support for their ideas by managing expectations, anticipating and dealing with objections.​

Who is this webinar for?

This webinar is designed for non-native English speaking professionals who want to learn how to use an assertive communication style to communicate strategically in a compelling and persuasive way to get others to support their plans, strategies and proposals.​

In this webinar attendees learn how to:

  • use a strategic communication framework to persuade others to buy-into their projects​
  • describe a project, explain the key factors taken into consideration during planning​
  • paint a positive picture focusing on the benefits of the project​
  • describe the advantages of the project from a strategic perspective​
  • communicate outline drawbacks, anticipate and proactively handle objectives ​
  • highlight the negative consequences of not taking action​

English Ability:

  • This event is conducted in English. Therefore, to fully benefit and actively participate, we recommend you have an intermediate or above level of English.

Date: Tuesday, 11th June 2024

Time: 15.00 - 16.30 Myanmar Time

Venue: Online (Zoom Webinar)


Member Ticket: FOC

Non-member Ticket: 10,500 MMK

Cancellation Policy

If you are no longer able to attend, please cancel your place at least 3 days in advance. The Chamber reserves the right to invoice all no-shows for the entry fee which will need to be settled prior to attending another British Chamber event.


Brian Mc Closkey

General Manager at NextGen Corporate Language Training

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