BCCM 10th Anniversary AGM 2024

We are more than grateful to our Members for their continued support and would like to invite you to participate in our AGM 2024. The British Chamber of Commerce Myanmar continues to provide membership services, events and trade links to our Members with more to come.

The AGM provides a great opportunity for you to interact with your Chamber boards and learn how you can support British and Myanmar trade and business development. At the AGM, the Chairman, Board and Management of the Chamber will present the results, the Chamber's activities during the past 12 months, as well as the plans and initiatives for the forthcoming year.

We hope you can make it and look forward to welcoming you to the AGM.

Date: Friday, 22nd November 2023

Time: 17:00 - 20:00

Venue: Belmont, the British Head of Mission's Residence, Yangon

This is a member only event and is free of charge.

Cancellation Policy

Members if you cannot attend you must submit a proxy form nominating a representative or nominating the Chairman to vote on your behalf (i.e. agreeing with his vote). Proxy forms can be downloaded hereand are to be returned to info@britishchambermyanmar.com.


Meeting Called to Order

Ian Fox

Confirmation that there is a quorum present

Ian Fox & Catherine Smith

Confirmation of the minutes of last meeting

Peter Beynon

Chairman welcoming remarks

Peter Beynon

Treasurer Report

Martin Appel

Proposal to appoint Auditor

Martin Appel

Announcement of Board Election Results

Adam Aspden

CEO Forward Looking Statement

Ian Fox

Chairman’ Closing Remarks

Peter Beynon

Meeting Close

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