This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other British Chamber of Commerce Myanmar events.

Event Summary

Massive digital infrastructure improvements in Myanmar (think 4G) and the rapid growth of smartphone ownership have opened up the possibility for digital leapfrogging in many sectors โ€“ like mobile money, media, e-commerce or education. Yet, we see that digital literacy may still be an issue for the majority of people to fully embrace and use digital services. This half day conference will take a closer look at the state of different sectors within the digital industry to share experiences, challenges and consequences relevant for marketing, brand communication and financial inclusion โ€“ to mention a few.

As we know, for most Myanmar people Facebook represents THE internet. Myanmar Survey Research's (MSR) nation-wide study gives insights into how deep the digital engagement (beyond Facebook) really is. The data shows potential opportunities and barriers for your social and digital media strategy and any app-based services.

Entry Fee

Members: 10 USD // 14,000 MMK

Non-Members: 35 USD // 48,000 MMK

May 10, 2018

8:30 AM - 12:15 PM GMT +06:30

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Mahlzeit Function Hall
84 Pan Hlaing Street, Sanchaung Township, Yangon
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  • 8:30 AM - 9:00 AMRegistration
    9:00 AM - 9:30 AMInsights into the degrees of Digital Adaptation

    Marita Schimpl

    Managing Director Market Research of Myanmar Survey Research

    9:30 AM - 10:00 AMDonโ€™t underestimate your grandma. How to engage senior citizens to use Mobile Money
    HelpAge International is providing us learnings on how to digitally engage older people. With the support of the Department of Social Welfare, they have piloted electronic cash transfers to older people aged 85- 89 years. The pilot aims to generate lessons to be shared with the government, which is planning to rapidly expand social protection benefits across the country and is looking for ways to make delivery more efficient. Daw Aye Myat Phyu’s presentation will share experiences from the pilot and a related study on other cash transfer options.

    Aye Myat Phyu

    Program Manager at Community Development (HelpAge International, Myanmar Office)

    10:00 AM - 10:30 AMCoffee Break
    10:30 AM - 11:00 AMWhat's the Outlook for Digital in Myanmar?
    Mango Media will take us on a journey into digital media and advertising. Clint is going to share their understanding of ‘Digital’ and will give an overview of the current landscape and usage trends. What are the learnings so far and what are the future opportunities for digital communication in Myanmar?

    Clint Easthorpe

    COO at Mango Myanmar Group

    11:00 AM - 11:30 AMThe changing digital interaction of people across Myanmar is going to share insights and experiences on how to reach and interact with different target audiences across Myanmar using various digital channels. Considering the implications for businesses that want to connect with a growing user base of millennials - who have various levels of education, who rather click than search and rather chat than email.

    Hans van Beek

    CEO of MyJobs

    11:30 AM - 12:00 PMQ & A


  • Marita Schimpl (Managing Director Market Research of Myanmar Survey Research)

    Marita Schimpl

    Managing Director Market Research of Myanmar Survey Research

    Read Bio
  • Hans van Beek (CEO of MyJobs)

    Hans van Beek

    CEO of MyJobs

  • Clint Easthorpe (COO at Mango Myanmar Group)

    Clint Easthorpe

    COO at Mango Myanmar Group

    Read Bio
  • Aye Myat Phyu (Program Manager at Community Development (HelpAge International, Myanmar Office))

    Aye Myat Phyu

    Program Manager at Community Development (HelpAge International, Myanmar Office)

    Read Bio



10 USD or 14,000 MMK

Door Price $10

35 USD or 48,000 MMK

Door Price $35