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Event Details

Directors and Officers Insurance
The business world is constantly changing. Corporate scandals, increased shareholder awareness and extended rules on corporate governance have made being a company director in the 21st Century an increasingly difficult task.
Directors have always been bound by many duties arising under jurisdictional laws. The difference in today’s world is that stakeholders have far greater forms of remedy against directors and there is an increased willingness to pursue claims against them.
Whether or not the director is ultimately held liable for such claims, the defence costs associated can be extremely expensive, and the process can take up months or even years of a director’s valuable time. In practice, once a claim is alleged against a director for any wrong doing, they can seek assistance from D&O policy.

Commercial Crime Insurance
Crime insurance is designed to protect the direct financial loss suffered by a company arising from any employee fraud or a dishonest act of a third party and is a key component of risk management strategy against crime loss. Purchasing crime coverage should form part of a comprehensive risk management strategy that helps to offset the financial burden from such loss and demonstrates management's awareness of a real threat.

This critical session will highlight the increased liability imposed onto directors and officers as a result of the New Myanmar Companies Law. Following the session there will be a networking hour with wine, beer, soft drinks and canapes; an opportunity for attendees to engage with the speakers and other participants.

Members: FREE
Non-members: 35 USD / 48,000 MMK

Mar 12, 2018

3:30 PM - 7:00 PM GMT +06:30

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Melia Hotel, Function Room 6
Melia Hotel, Function 6, Yangon
Yangon, Yangon Region, Myanmar

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  • 3:30 PM - 4:00 PMRegistration
    4:00 PM - 4:05 PMIntroduction

    Noelle Tan

    Client Manager, FINEX at Willis Towers Watson Singapore

    4:05 PM - 4:35 PMChanging landscape of Myanmar Companies Law

    Stefan Chapman

    Senior Associate at Berwin Leighton Paisner (Myanmar)

    4:35 PM - 5:05 PMD&O Directors' Exposures
    5:05 PM - 5:20 PMCoffee Break
    5:20 PM - 5:50 PMCrime Dishonest Acts of Employees & Third Parties

    Davide Petrozziello

    Underwriter, Financial Lines at Allianz Global Corporate and Specialty SE Singapore Branch

    5:50 PM - 6:00 PMQ&A
    6:00 PM - 7:00 PMNetworking


  • Stefan Chapman (Senior Associate at Berwin Leighton Paisner (Myanmar))

    Stefan Chapman

    Senior Associate at Berwin Leighton Paisner (Myanmar)

    Read Bio
  • Davide Petrozziello (Underwriter, Financial Lines at Allianz Global Corporate and Specialty SE Singapore Branch)

    Davide Petrozziello

    Underwriter, Financial Lines at Allianz Global Corporate and Specialty SE Singapore Branch

    Read Bio
  • Noelle Tan (Client Manager, FINEX at Willis Towers Watson Singapore)

    Noelle Tan

    Client Manager, FINEX at Willis Towers Watson Singapore

    Read Bio





35 USD or 48,000 MMK

Door Price K 48,000