BritCham Operational Excellence: Corporate Governance and Stakeholder Protections
Training Series by BLP with the Australian and British Chambers
The New Myanmar Companies Law opens up new ways of doing business for companies in Myanmar. It also implements a new regulatory approach and corporate governance regime which will raise the standard of corporate behaviour, with Directors and senior officers having much clearer obligations to stakeholders. When combined with recent changes made under then Myanmar Investment Law and other reforms it provides a much more favourable climate for business in Myanmar.
Members of the BLP team were responsible for drafting of the New Companies Law and the new Investment Rules and were involved in the public consultation and revisions of the drafts over the past three years or so. Drawing from their joint involvement in the drafting process and BLP's expertise in corporate laws in other common law jurisdictions, they will provide a series of training workshops on different aspects of these laws and assist companies to obtain full advantage of, and ensure compliance with, the Companies Law and key elements of the Investment Law. Other presenters with experience in the subject area will also share their insights.
The workshops will be detailed, hands on and practical, with use of case studies and other real life examples, and explorations of new structures and processes available under the law. Numbers will be limited and the workshops are especially aimed at those who will be using the new laws in their day to day work and decision making – in house lawyers, business development teams, finance professionals and investment analysts –but are open to anyone with an interest in the area. Participants will be encouraged to share their experiences and come along with questions to raise for discussion. To maximise the benefit to your company, please ensure you can attend all 4 workshops. Participants will receive a certificate of completion when the 4 sessions finish.
Session 2: Corporate governance and stakeholder protections - role, duties and responsibilities of Directors and officers; shadow directors; shareholder rights; creditor protections; related party dealings; corporate disclosure and transparency; claims against a company; DICAs powers; powers of the Court.
25 USD / 34,000 MMK for AMCC and BritCham members | 50 USD / 67,500 MMK for non-members per course
85 USD / 115,000 MMK for AMCC and BritCham members for all 4 courses
Space is limited to one representative per company.